ADSR Wear's Photo Contest - Win A $50 Gift Card For Our Website!!!
| Pete Hydorn
Our contest is now accepting photos and videos!
Nothing brings our team more joy than seeing you represent ADSR Wear, and hearing the stories behind the photo and or video. Join our quarter yearly contest for the perfect opportunity to share your experiences with ADSR Wear for a chance to win more of our brand. Here’s how to enter:
Submit your favorite photo/video with your ADSR Wear.
Tell us the story behind the image. What made that moment special? Why do you enjoy ADSR Wear.
Submit and kick back!
The Rules
Please Read Carefully:
Official Contest Rules
Here are some photo tips to consider when entering our contest:
Photos should be in .jpg format. Any size photo may be submitted, but the higher resolution, the better. By submitting your photo to this contest, you agree to grant ADSR Wear, LLC. permissions and rights to use the image indefinitely on any page at adsrwear.com, across ADSR’s social media accounts, and in any online advertising or printed materials promoting ADSR.
Entrants must have full permission of any recognizable persons appearing in the photograph to be able to grant ADSR the right to display their photo submission online or in printed material.
Winners will be notified via their submission method (email/form submission or social platform). Note: If entering via hashtag on your preferred social platform, your account cannot be private for this contest.
If you have any questions, queries or comments about the photo contest, please email them to support@adsrwear.com.
For the complete rules of contest click here.
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